The 2023 LTA Tennis Awards once again provides the opportunity to say “thank you” to all of the brilliant volunteers, coaches, officials and organisations that help make tennis in Avon what it is today. 

There are a total of 15 award categories you can nominate for. The full list of categories is below:

  • Volunteer of the Year (someone who volunteers in any capacity in tennis)
  • Rising Star (someone 21 or under who volunteers or helps in any capacity in tennis)
  • Lifetime Achievement (someone who has volunteered for over 30 years in any capacity in tennis)
  • Development Coach (a coach who works on a “grassroots” / club / community level)
  • Performance Coach (a coach who works with performance adults or juniors)
  • Club of the Year (a tennis club of any shape and size)
  • Official of the Year (any level of tennis Official)
  • University of the Year (any University delivering tennis)
  • School of the Year (any primary or secondary school delivering tennis)
  • Tennis For All (an inclusion award for any individual, programme or project demonstrating inclusion)
  • Connecting Communities (any programme, project or individual providing tennis in a community setting)
  • Park Venue (any park venue delivering tennis)
  • President’s Award (any individual, venue or project deserving of recognition for something exceptional) 

Be sure to look through the criteria, which you can read more here: Awards criteria is here: LTA

NOMINATE HERE: Nominate – LTA Tennis Awards

The awards were first launched in 2015 and are in place to celebrate the thousands of people who dedicate their life to supporting the grassroots of the game, whether it’s through recreational competitions or disability programmes.

Past winners of the LTA Awards can be viewed by following the link: LTA Awards

2023 LTA Tennis Awards nominations banner