Avon Tennis is delighted to offer its “Coaching Bursary Scheme” aimed at helping those starting out on the Tennis Coaching Pathway.

Good coaches are an essential part of developing and encouraging players at all levels and the County is keen to ensure that all aspiring coaches in Avon are able to undertake appropriate training and qualifications. Funds have therefore been allocated for the bursary scheme to help towards the costs associated with the beginning of the coaching journey.

The scheme is open to anyone aged 16+ who is associated with a LTA registered club in Avon and is planning to complete their LTA Level 1, 2 & 3 qualification and, will be delivering several hours of coaching each week.

The full terms and conditions of the scheme are available below and the bursary payment will be made available to successful applicants on the completion of their course and their subsequent registration with the LTA as an “Accredited” or “Accredited+” Coach.

Completed application forms should be sent to the County Office – Email: tennis@avontennis.org.uk; Post: Avon Tennis, Coombe Dingle Sports Complex, Coombe Lane, Bristol BS9 2BJ