Wheelchair Tennis session in action

Tennis really is a sport that anyone can play.  It can be easily adapted for any level of ability and interest with a range of tennis activities and equipment.

Avon Tennis supports the LTA’s “Open Court” programme to open tennis up to everyone and make it inclusive and accessible for all. The aim is to support players, clubs and coaching programmes in their tennis journey.  Our programme is coordinated by Richard Coleman at Wesport (West of England Sports Trust) and  can be contacted via: Telephone: 0117 328 6250 or email: info@wesport.org.uk should you have any ideas, questions or need advice on how to make your club or centre more inclusive.

Clubs and venues in Avon offer a range of disability and inclusive tennis sessions around the County. A full list will be made available after the National Lockdown when tennis is back up and running. 

Currently on offer there is Walking Tennis, Wheelchair Tennis, Tennis for the Visually Impaired, Tennis for Kids with SEND, Adult Learning Abilities, Mum and Baby Tennis, Tennis for those with Brain Injuries (Headways) plus collaborating tennis sessions with Mental Health Services in Avon.

The LTA has looked into the positive impact of disability tennis on players’, and the results are very encouraging, but more needs to be done.