Ashley Ward, Somer Valley TC member, is playing in the quarter finals against the No1 seed, today at Wimbledon.

Coached by Tom Entwistle at Writhlingon, Ashley is playing in ‘Play Your Way To Wimbledon’, the largest individual mass participation tennis competition, providing young players with the chance to compete at Wimbledon via singles or doubles.

This competition takes place every year. Clubs sign up to hold an initial event and the winners play at the county final, before going on to the ‘Play Your Way To Wimbledon’ finals, usually in the second week of August each year.

In 2023 there are exciting new plans. The LTA and the AELTC are planning for the competition to expand with the introduction of additional age groups and disability categories.

Keep your eyes peeled next year, but in the meantime, Good Luck Ashley!

Play Your Way to Wimbledon Results: 100822Boys_14_Singles_Main_Draw.pdf (