As reported at the Venue Forum this week, in the County Cup Race 2022 Avon are currently in 4th place with only the Adult Winter to go!

What is the County Cup?

The County Cup Race recognises a County’s performance in all County Cup events. Points will be allocated after each event, starting with the 18U event in March and conclude with the Winter County Cup in November. The County with the most points across all events will be recognised as the overall County Cup Race Champion for that year. In addition, recognition will also be made to the county making the biggest year on year improvement on their previous year’s final position.

Massive CONGRATULATIONS to County Coach Ollie Bendall, his team of County Coaches and all the Players & Venues for supporting and coaching the juniors to incredible results this year:

14U Girls Team are the LTA County Cup National Winners.

9U, 12U, 14U both Boys and Girls reached the finals.

10U and 11U both Girls teams reached the finals

All LTA County Cup Events 2022 are:

Boys & Girls, Men & Women

Junior – 18U; 14U; 12U; 11U; 10U; 9U

Adult – Summer, Over 35s, Adults Winter