Avon Tennis invites a Committee Representative & Head Coach from each club to your autumn local area Club Forum on Zoom to share best practice, hear latest LTA & County news and have your say!

Once again we’re broadening the discussion and hopefully the outcomes, by inviting Head Coaches to participate too, in the spirit of “We’re all in this together”.  You told us that offering area forums worked well, so we are repeating this format; click on the links below to sign up via Zoom on the following dates:

South Bristol/North Somerset Wednesday 13th October 7:00pm – 8:30pm – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkfuCoqD0rG9TDfWheJFy1mJpjROKXaJjX

North Bristol/South Gloucs Monday 18th October 7:00pm – 8:30pm –


(NOTE – if no one from your club/venue can attend on your area date, you’re welcome to sign up for another one instead)

We will be:

  • Giving you the opportunity for longer discussions/breakouts on current topics
  • Giving you the opportunity to share ideas & pick up “hot tips” from other clubs
  • Providing you with updates from LTA & Avon Tennis
  • Sharing Safeguarding updates

If you have any queries, please feel free to email either Andy or Mandy (email addresses below).  We are looking forward to seeing everyone in October!

Kind regards

Andy Trott (andy.trott@bristol.ac.uk) & Amanda Stonier (amstonier1@gmail.com)

Co-Chairs – Avon Tennis Development Group