With both the Girls and Boys 14 & under County teams topping their regional groups with strong displays earlier in the month they travelling to Nottingham for the National Finals held over the past weekend (18-20 May).
The Girls drew their opening match with Lancashire (3-3) and then beat Hampshire & the Isle of Wight (5-1). Unfortunately they lost their final match to Surrey to finish 2nd in their group. This meant they played Yorkshire in the 3rd/4th play-off and despite a battling performance they lost 2-4 to finish in 4th place overall.
The Boys won their opening group matches against Cumbria (4-2) and Yorkshire (5-1) but then lost to Kent 2-4 to finish 2nd. Like the girls they then played a 3rd/4th play-off match and against a very strong Surrey team lost 2-4…… nearly every game going to sudden death deuce and with tremendous focus and fighting to the end.
An amazing achievement by both teams and to finish 4th, Girls and Boys, is a very credible result for one of the smaller Counties – our congratulations to the juniors, coaches and the parents for making it happen.
For more details please go to: http://avontennis.org.uk/county-cup-race/