Thank you to everyone who attended the Zoom Club Forums at the beginning of July. It was great to see you and connect with the community. Below are the collated FAQ’s which I am sure you will find useful. Thank you and stay safe.
Avon Tennis club and venue feedback series
FAQ – July 2020
Q. Where can I find a set of concise answers from the LTA to queries from our club?
- https://helpcentre.lta.org.uk/help/s/lta-help-centre?category=Playing_Tennis_COVID19_Guidance#_ga=2.104735173.498686846.1594811889-1272187445.1560169028 gives FAQs from clubs and coaches across the UK
Q. Is there a competitive league our club can take part in?
- The ‘lockdown league’ is being organized by the Avon League http://avonleaguetennis.net/ and the deadline for clubs who want to take part has passed.
- The league is scheduled to run from the weekend of July 31st to October 9th with a weekend off on August 28th (bank holiday). The format is the same as the Winter League
Q. Can club nights take place? How many people can take part?
- Please see the government guidancehttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-phased-return-of-sport-and-recreation/guidance-for-the-public-on-the-phased-return-of-outdoor-sport-and-recreation#organising-outdoor-sport-and-physical-activity-events
- The LTA also state that clubs organising club nights for larger groups should complete an event delivery plan to ensure their venue is COVID-19 secure. A template is available from the COVID-19 section of the Resource Library on the LTA website.
Q. We want to offer ladders/leagues for singles play, is there anywhere we can download this easily?
Q. We’re now opening our toilet facilities. Are there specific guidelines to follow?
- Each club must agree on their method of keeping their toilet facilities up to the government level of hygiene required since COVID 19 and guidance can be found here:
Q. Are there any tips from other Avon clubs who have opened up their toilet facilities?
- One club invested extra each week to pay for a cleaner to ensure that the facilities were given a deep clean whilst another club provided all the cleaning materials so each person could clean the facilities before and after use.
Q. Where can I source cleaning materials from?
- The LTA Buying Group is available to registered venues, find out more at https://www.ltabuyinggroup.co.uk/#welcome
Q. What’s needed in order for us to introduce ‘pay and play’ at our club?
- Clubspark can manage ‘pay and play’ bookings, including taking money from users.
- Visit https://clubspark.com/ and contact James.Deem@lta.org.uk if you have any questions.
Q. Where do I get the Covid 19 tennis specific posters from?
Q. Where can I find information about Walking Tennis?
- https://walkingtennis.org/
- Please find the attached PDF giving more Walking Tennis and inclusive tennis details
Q. How can I find out more about what the LTA and Avon Tennis are offering clubs and venues?
- Website link
- Social media link
- Avon Tennis newsletter direct to Club Main Contacts and available on Avon Tennis social media channels
- LTA website and direct mail to Club Main Contacts