Avon Tennis County volunteers ran Zoom Forums last Autumn and because of the polls we ran, many of you wanted a ‘deeper dive’ into some topics that were very relevant to your own clubs and venues.
We have listened to you and can announce that the following subjects are going to be discussed with county volunteers on the calls to help you, plus ‘experts’ from the relevant areas.
If you are keen to join in, please sign up via the zoom links below. We are limiting the number of people on each Zoom to 10 people, so everyone can get involved and ask their questions.
Date | Event | Timings | Zoom Link |
Tues 3rd May | Hot Topic – Competitions | 7-8pm | https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrceiopzgtE9TlLK-6hQ2_fKeOfpmleHT0 |
Thurs 5th May | Hot Topic – Governance | 7-8pm | https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtcOuprTMoG925Ck7HiZAWLWhFeB2D_ErQ |
Wed 11th May | Hot Topic- Disability | 7-8pm | https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtc-urrjwoG9YMD0wRgxOFEF1uk9CdB-FR |
In the Autumn, the county will be holding a county wide clubs forum at Saltford Golf Club and every club and venue will be invited. One of the main topics of the evening will be Grants & Loans, which has been requested by a number of clubs, and will be led by Avon Exec members, with a short presentation and then opening the floor to questions.
Please pass this email onto your committees, it would be great to see a variety of people on the calls who do not usually access the county resources, attend meetings or understand what the county does!
If you have any questions or queries, please contact the office on tennis@avontennis.org.uk or contact me directly.
Amanda Stonier, Chair, Avon Tennis Development Group