After a really successful first Club Forum, discussing safe play, financial help and promotional opportunities, we want all clubs and venues to join in the next 3 Club Forums happening in the next week.

  • Friday 15 May at 2.30-3.30 pm 
  • Monday 18 May at 6-7.00 pm
  • Wednesday 20 May at 6-7.00 pm

Kathy Curling, Avon Tennis Chair, members of the Exec and Tennis Development Group are running a series of forums to discuss best practise share challenges that you’re currently experiencing.

This mornings Club Forum discussed returning to restricted play tennis and how to overcome barriers to keep everyone safe, ideas to capitalise on the fact that people are walking around their neighbourhoods more and passing their local tennis club, realising it’s something they can do to keep fit, get movements together as a household and a perfect time to offer summer memberships which may translate in to annual memberships and incredible wins on finding grants that have seen 2 clubs in Avon access 5 figure grants fairly easily and paid quickly.

Book by email:

Numbers are limited to 8 per forum