AGE GROUPS 35+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+ , and 75+ (Men)
AGE GROUPS 35+, 40+, 50+,60+, 65+, 70+  and 75+ (Ladies)

Are you interested in playing Senior County Tennis for Avon?

If you feel you are of a reasonable standard in your age group and would like to be considered for selection in the appropriate age group senior county team, please complete the following information and return to avoncountytennis@gmail.com

Date of Birth:
Email address:
Contact number:
BTM Number:
Rating (if any):

Even if you feel you are well known to us and have already given your details in the past please take a moment to do this as it is vital for us to keep our database current and correct. Last season we didn’t enter teams in all age groups due to insufficient numbers so if you are interested please get in touch.

Match format – From April to August the matches are both singles and doubles, and we need strong players from each to ensure success. They are played home and away, and sometimes some distance requiring an overnight stay, which will be funded by Avon LTA, you will also get help with expenses.