We are aware that a number of clubs are having difficulty in obtaining good quality sanitisers.

One of our County sponsors has signposted a supplier that can provide either an aerosol (500ml) or spray bottle (250ml or 500ml) at reasonable prices …. as long as we buy in bulk.

For more information about the products please go to: https://ptcxtrasan.co.uk/

To therefore help and facilitate this opportunity Avon Tennis will be pleased to organise, order in bulk and distribute should there be enough interest and take-up.

We are proposing that we focus on three products:

Aerosol (500ml) – £9.99 plus VAT = £11.99

Spray bottle (500ml) – £6.45 plus VAT = £7.74

Spray bottle (250ml) – £4.00 plus VAT = £4.80

If you would like to take up this offer, can you please reply to this email by Friday 3rd July, advising the name of your club and the quantity/sizes required.

On the assumption that there is enough interest to place an order, then we will confirm your order by email and invoice the club accordingly.